Happy Chinese New Year

Dear Fin Family and Friends:
As much as we were eager to see many of you in person in the past year, the world did not fully normalize due to the ongoing pandemic and miss our reqular trips to Asia to gather with you all face-to-face. Despite the physical distance, our hearts and thoughts maintain close with you. At this special time of the year, we would like to send our best wishes and gratitude to you and your family. 2021 was an inflection point and “bullish” year for Fin: we opened offices in London and Los Angeles, expanded our portfolio by over 3x, grew our team by 4x, scaled our AUM by 10x to $1B from $150M at the beginning of 2021. We remain humbled and thankful, knowing that we couldn’t have achieved any of these milestones without our support and trust.
Heading into 2022, we are optimistic for the steady recovery of the global economy and health situation. We are confident that the vear of the Tiger will propel Fin to new heights b adding new team members, launching new strategies and expanding our global footprint, while reinforcing our capabilities as a full lifecycle fintech asset management platform. We look forward to continuing to partner with you in the exciting journey ahead and hope we can get together again in person very soon.
Fin wishes you and your family a prosperous, healthy and fruitful Year of the Tiger!